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Cyber-Security and its importance in Modern Life of 2020

Cyber-Security and its importance in modern Life of 2020

Cyber-Security and its importance in Today`s Life

Computer has made our work too much easy. It has boosted our daily life routine by helping us in completing different kinds of task. It has helped us much in business, Education, Industrial Sector, Defense and Media. But when data increases it’s the responsibility of its protection also increasing with time. In past few cyber-crime has much increased now. There are thousands of cyber-attacks daily and even hundreds of different malwares are created daily. The number of black hat hackers has also been increasing so it is important for every computer user to must have the basic knowledge of cyber-security.
·      Why everyone must have basic knowledge of cyber-security?
It is important for every person to have basic knowledge of cyber-security. In Today`s life Computer Experts are creating different kinds of malware daily. There are hundreds of reason that you should know basics of cyber-security but some of these are enlisted below. If a user does not know the basics of computer security:
    1. His/her computer system can easily get infected with malware.        His / Her Privacy will be invaded easily.
    2. Their computer system can be easily hacked by black hat hackers.
    3. Their System can be used to harm other peoples.
    4. Their identity can be used to misguide others.
    5. Their system can be used for hacking and other type of cyber-crimes as a slave.
    6.  Their System can be used as a Zombie Drone for DDoS Attack(Distributed denial of service attack) or botnet. These are some reasons that you should know the basics of cyber-security for protection of their privacy.
·      How to create a strong Password?
For creating a strong password you should use combination of upper case letters, Lower case letters, Symbols and numbers. Because if you user only numbers or numbers with symbols they can be easily hacked with brute force attack or dictionary attack or if you use upper case letters or lower case letters only they are easy to hack with dictionary attacks. A strong password look like this:
                              (( `{[Tech 999” 111```Art’222]} ))
Hackers mainly use dictionary attack or brute force attack first to crack your password and if they are failed in both attacks they use Phishing attack which hacks your mind. Human mind is the weakest system in the world because there is no password on human brain. If you watch anything it is directly stored in your mind and you can`t delete because there is no option of delete in your mind. In Phishing attack hacker play a tricks on you to hack your password.
You should change your password once a weekly to ensure that your accounts are secure and if you can`t please try to change your password once a monthly.
Malware and Its types
ร˜ Malware
Malware is malicious software that is harmful for computer system. It is threat to computer user. It is created for blackmailing, spying, hacking systems.
The following are some its common types:
1.   Computer Virus
2.   Spyware
3.   Adware
4.   Worm
5.   Trojan
6.   Ransomware
i.                 Computer Virus:
It is dangerous computer program that disturbs the normal functioning of computer. Some viruses are not very harmful they are annoying while other can seriously damage the software/hardware of System. There are also viruses that destroyed nuclear equipment such as stuxnet and Triton. Most of the viruses are attached to executable (.exe) files. Thousands of viruses are created daily and ethical hackers fight with them and stop them from spreading.
ii.        Adware:
      Adware is type of malware that enters into   the system        when user downloads and uses pirated software. It show      ads on screen.
iii.          Spyware:
Spyware is a type of malware that are developed to spy on other users computer systems. There are many companies that creates spyware and put them in their client’s computers to see what they are doing? Most of the spywares are difficult to detect and remove from computer.
iv.             Trojan:
The working of Trojan is same as Trojan horse that was used in battle of Troy. Trojan is a type of malware that allow the attacker to control the working of victims system. It is one of the most dangerous type of malware. They are mainly used by black hat hackers for creating botnet
v.              Worm:
Worm is a type of malware that repeat itself again and again over internet. It can travel from one computer to another without any human action. It can be harmful.

vi.           Ransomware:
Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the file stored on computer of a victim. It is the most dangerous type of malware. It can enter into the computer from internet, through an E-mail etc. When it encrypts your file the attacker ask you send him/ her a money in bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency. When victim sends them a money which an attacker have demanded then attacker decrypt their files and give them their data back. A Ransomware named shade was started in nearly 2014 and shutdown in April 2020. When it shutdown it releases 750K decryption keys.
·      How malware can infect your Computer?
Malware enters into a system through a vulnerability in your Operating System. User should install anti-malware software`s to make sure that system is safe and secure. Viruses enters into the computer from infected external storage devices. It can enter into the computer from internet if user downloads infected software or serve an unsecure websites. Malware can infect your computer if you downloads an extension from chrome browser or any other. E-mail from strangers or anonymous address can infect your computer if you download them or open an attachment.
·      How to surf internet safely (Anonymous)?
You should surf internet anonymously so you will be safe & secure and it ensure that your privacy is protected. No one is able to track you and you should not post your personal information on Internet because internet is a public place. There are many advantages of staying anonymous. For staying anonymous you need to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) which hides you and I would suggest you to use Tor Browser instead of Chrome Browser because tor browser hides your identity over internet by using proxies. If you want to use a paid VPN you can use Nord VPN otherwise if you want to use a free one you should use Proton VPN because it is best free VPN.


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